Thursday, July 21, 2011

Funny Russian Kittens Take 2

Funny Video

People being funny...


People being philosophical...

People who manage to be insulting even when it's a cat...


People pretending to be insulting, so that's still funny...


People concerned about interior decor...

And then there are those people who get angry about everything.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Link spam is its own form of humour

One of my postings:

The link spam* comments it generated:

* Link spam: The more often your web site (or blog) is linked to, the higher it ranks in search engines like google. This is why when you start up a blog you'll get computer generated comments from random companies leaving you generic comments. Sometimes you'll get a real person, but if it's still generic sounding and points back to their blog, it's spam too. Computer or no, the best ones are the ones that just don't match your post. :-D

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What DSK says about U'nME ;-)

The Headline

The Can't-believe-this-needed-repeating Comment

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

People unclear on the concept are the best

The Video


The Humourous Comment

The Unaware of Humour Comment

Saturday, July 2, 2011

And where will we hold all those dudes found in contempt of Parliament?

As Canada settles into its own Republican style government under Stephen Harper, this blog may turn more political and more Canadian. ...Just sayin'. Can't help it. ;-) We begin with a taste of the new TOUGH ON CRIME! laws. (See the story at

Le Headline

Le Most-Agreed Comment